RedAlkemi being one of the most comprehensive Online Marketing Solution provider, it is our cyber-duty to suggest website owners and development teams; how to ideally distribute their valuable time (in%) & efforts to reap maximum out of your Internet Marketing Strategy.
Each of the six activities above mentioned focus on how to grow the Popularity, Quality & Profitability for any kind of Internet Marketing venture like Blogs,Informative websites, e-commerce websites etc.
Creating reliable, rich & viral content (40%)
Creating viral worthy rich content deserves at least 40% of the total time spent on the whole internet marketing process. I know it might sound surprising to some but that’s the way it is. The idea here is to spend considerable amount of time creating articles, blogs, forms, applications & graphical content that provides value to your targeted customers. The term ‘viral’ means that the content should be so rich that it has the ability to spread over web automatically. It should entice the visitor to share it with his friends, bookmark it or at least try to memorize your site and to return again in the future to find more useful updates. Make sure that all the content on your website should seem so authoritative that no one on the world wide web can raise questions on its authenticity. The coverage, quality & the entertainment aspect of your content should be so comprehensive that it becomes almost impossible for your competitors to catch up. Needless to mention, in case of any doubt feel free to refer to Wikipedia to create some thing that is 100 times better than others. Rich content works nothing less than anchor for a top performing website. All your efforts including Development,
SEO, Link building will go insane if your site is a warehouse of useless & uninteresting information that can be found anywhere on the web inducing nothing but boredom. Make it as interesting & lively as you can.
Developing New Features/Designs (25%)
You can take this component as the cousin to ‘Creating Viral Worthy rich content’. It comprises of the activities to upgrade your website constantly. Think of new ideas that can help you to maximize the impact of the content designed by you. The people involved here are website owners, think tanks, designers, developers etc. Even if you are the industry leader, it takes a lot of effort to stay there and maintain your cutting edge.
Studying the competition for new keywords & other industry trends (10%)
Each week, take out some time to evaluate the industry changes and the activities of your competitors. Keep a close eye on the new entrants, changes in keyword search trends and analyze the whole industry to discover the new trends & ideas that can add to your cutting edge.
Participate in online activities (10%)
Make sure that you spend some time socializing in the internet communities like forums, blogs, social media sites etc where the other industry gurus gather and share their thoughts. All these activities will not only build a positive profile for you as a website owner but will also reap attention, reputation and off course,it will reap some much needed industry relevant powerful links.
Testing/Refining according to the Visitor Data (10%)
Spend the rest 10% of the total time to keep a close eye on the analytics to track most conducive links & keywords so as to focus and redirect your advertising & marketing efforts. The analysis of your PPC campaign can yield surprising results that will surely help you to design or redesign your keyword targeting strategy. Analysis and resulting changes have equal share with in this 10% time share of the total marketing effort. Its all about testing, experimenting, analyzing, refining and repeating the good work. This component involves changing titles, headlines, object placements, PPC analysis, call to action etc. Without these experiments and testing you will never know what works for your targeted market segment and what not.
Manual Link Building (5%)
We are rating the much talked about Link Building at the bottom most, not because it is unimportant or outdated but if you have invested same time & effort on the aforesaid components, you need not beg for links in front of any one; you will get them automatically with much ease. Off course you still would require a link building campaign, but life would be much easier this way. Just a few dozens of rich carefully built links and you are on your way to outperform all your competitors. Obviously these handful of links will not be so easy to find but even if you hire someone else to do it for you, you can save some serious link building man hours.
I am not expecting every one to agree on this time & effort distribution though, it makes lot of sense if you apply simple Internet logics. And it is as simple as it sounds..!